Trichocereus peruvianus ‘Icaro’ Seed


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25 x Trichocereus peruvianus ‘Icaro’ DNA Seed

Fresh seed, grown organically in Australia

Excellent variety to grow from seed – you may end up with some variegated or sausage types, also likely to get some amazing blue specimens!


Highly recommend the ‘take-away tek’ for most cactus species.

I use a mix of about 40% coconut coir to 60% river sand. Lightly tamp it down to level off. Add a small amount of clean/tap water to moisten.

Make a shallow indentation using thumb/pencil then drop a seed in. I do about 15-30 seed per takeaway container to give them space – you could do a 100.

Spray/mist a few times with clean/tap water – close lid.

They can stay in the container for several months with lid on.

Transplant when big enough to handle.

Be aware of your local import restrictions. I will not refund/replace seized items.

Happy gardening 🙂


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